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October Update


Government Structure Committee Hearing

Near the end of October, I held a Government Structure Committee hearing to discuss a variety of topics involving the streamlining of state government operations. Public Service Commission Chairman Chris Brown, Insurance Commissioner Mike Chaney, and former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson all gave presentations and answered questions on a range of topics.

The discussion was insightful, providing helpful context as we work to craft solutions to make Mississippi's government work better for the people. My goal as Chairman of this committee is to eliminate wasteful practices and redundancies, identify opportunities to leverage technology for the purpose of streamlining certain functions, and crafting legislation that will make government processes more efficient. This hearing was a crucial step in achieving that goal.

If you'd like to watch the full hearing, you can view it HERE. You can also read THIS Magnolia Tribune story on the meeting.

Photos from the October Senate Government Structure Committee Hearing

Speaking at Singing River Electric Cooperative University

I enjoyed having the opportunity to speak with junior high school students at the Singing River Electric Cooperative University. This annual event gives students a chance to meet other students from the area, learn more about how electric cooperatives work, and gain valuable insight into Mississippi's energy industry. Natalie from Perry Central High School and Reese from Richton High School, both pictured with me below, were two of the talented young Mississippians I got to meet at this year's University. I'm thankful for the chance to meet them, and I look forward to next year's event!

Senator Chris Johnson with Natalie and Reese, students who attended the Singing River Electric Cooperative University

Meeting with Former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson

It was a true honor hosting former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson at the Capitol last month. During his tenure as Chief Executive for the Natural State, he was a champion for cutting red tape, eliminating waste and redundancies, and consolidating government agencies. He provided valuable insight into his efforts to streamline Arkansas's government, and I'm grateful for his testimony. It was wonderful spending time with him, and I greatly appreciate his dedication to improving government functions.

Senator Chris Johnson with former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson

Bully Bloc

Mississippi State University's political action committee (PAC), Bully Bloc, had a great event at the end of last month. Two former Mississippi State baseball superstars, Tanner Allen and Jake Mangum, were the guests of honor for the event. It was great to hear about some of the University's upcoming issues and priorities, and I was thrilled to meet with these two guys.

Senator Chris Johnson with Tanner Allen and Jake Mangum at Bully Bloc

New Hat!

If you're in the market for a great new hat, I've discovered the perfect place to get it. ML Provisions in Crystal Springs makes custom hats for each of their patrons. I had a great time getting to know their team and learn about their business. And of course, I absolutely love my new hat. Be sure to check them out next time you're in the area!

Senator Chris Johnson with his new hat at ML Provisions in Crystal Springs

I want to hear from you!

If there's an upcoming event you'd like me to attend, or if you have any thoughts about the most recent or upcoming session, please let me know! For general thoughts or questions, you can email my senate email: For anything involving the new Government Structure committee, you can email I would love to talk with you about issues that directly affect you, and emailing me is the best way I can do that.

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