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Legislative Update: Week Seven

Magnolia Tribune Column

Last week, I mentioned a bill I've sponsored that will create a task force to study artificial intelligence (AI) in education. Last Tuesday, I penned a column in the Magnolia Tribune about the potential for AI to improve education outcomes. This technology is here, and Mississippi has an opportunity to get ahead of it. With smart, responsible application, AI can be a tool to transform Mississippi's education system both for students and teachers and expose more young Mississippians to emerging technology increasingly prevalent in our lives.

You can read my column HERE.

William Carey students visit the Capitol

We had several students from the College of Osteopathic Medicine at William Carey University visit us at the Capitol last week. Located in Hattiesburg, William Carey plays a pivotal role in developing medical professionals in our state, and the college has consistently ranked first in the nation for placing graduates in rural, underserved areas, which is critical for states like Mississippi. These students got to meet with Legislators, get an inside look at the legislative process, and spend the day in our beautiful state Capitol.

Senator Chris Johnson pictured with students from the William Carey College of Osteopathic Medicine

Hattiesburg Pages

Each week, students from around the state come and page for the Senate, and last week, we had several Hattiesburg students page for us at the Capitol. Pages provide assistance to Senators and staff with clerical and administrative responsibilities. Paging is a great opportunity for young Mississippians to learn about the legislative process, how policy impacts our daily lives, and gain valuable experience serving our great state. It was an honor to get to know these students, and I wish them well in their future endeavors.

Senator Chris Johnson and Senate pages from Hattiesburg


Senate work continues

The Senate faced a February 14 deadline this week to request the drafting of bills. Next Monday, February 19, marks the deadline for the introduction of legislation.

The Senate adopted a resolution last week adopting joint Legislative rules between the House and Senate for the next four sessions. At the beginning of each term, new rules are adopted that lay out how business will be conducted for the remainder of the term.

Following the Monday deadline for bill introductions, work will begin to significantly ramp up in committees, as all legislation must be passed out of committees by March 5, or the bills will die. As of today, the new committee I chair, Government Structure, has been referred 15 pieces of legislation. I look forward to reviewing these bills with my colleagues, and I will keep you updated as we work through that process.

I want to hear from you!

Do you have any thoughts about legislation or policy? Let me know! For general thoughts or questions, you can email my senate email: For anything involving the new Government Structure committee, you can email I am committed to representing the views of you: the people of District 45. Let me know ways I can best do that!

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