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2023 Legislative Session: Weeks 8 & 9


Bonus Business Depreciation Bill

I authored and the Senate passed the Full Expensing Tax Reform Act of 2023 (Senate Bill 3101), which incentivizes greater supply chain investment, job creation, wage growth, and economic well-being within our state. By making our tax code more competitive, SB 3101 allows first-year full cost recovery for business investments, reducing tax liabilities on farmers, manufacturers, small businessmen and women, and other taxpayers. I appreciate the strong support from Lt. Governor Delbert Hosemann, Chairman Josh Harkins, and my Senate colleagues, and I’m excited to see this cross the finish line.

Protecting Mississippi’s Children

The Legislature and Governor worked together to pass legislation to protect Mississippi’s children from being subjected to life-altering medical procedures to transition genders. Adults in our state may do as they please, but I will always fight to protect Mississippi’s children.

Hattiesburg Legislative Doctors of the Day

We had not one, but two doctors at the Capitol hailing from Hattiesburg! Drs. Anita Henderson and John Gaudet volunteered to be Legislative Doctors of the Day. In this role, they provide medical services and consultation to legislators, staff, and government affairs workers with any medical needs in the Capitol. Thank you to Dr. Henderson and Dr. Gaudet for their service to the Legislature, their communities, and Mississippi.

Local Area Page

It was great visiting with Caroline Shapley of Hattiesburg. She served as a House Page at the Capitol. I’m always delighted to see our young men and women get hands-on experience with the process of lawmaking!

Photo of the Week

The Mississippi Museum of Natural Science folks visited the Capitol, and they brought friends. I took my picture with this cute little guy (although he was small in size, his teeth were quite sharp).

Mississippi Federation of Republican Women

“Red Coat Day” happened at the Capitol as Republican ladies from all over our state gathered to meet with local and state officials. I was honored to visit with many of these conservative women during their 2023 legislative day.

Pearl River Community College Breakfast in Hattiesburg

I enjoyed visiting with local government officials during the PRCC-Hattiesburg event. It was an informative, interesting event where I was able to update educators, faculty, staff, community members, and other elected officials on my work in the State Senate.

Site Grants

Gov. Tate Reeves recently announced infrastructure investments to drive further economic development and growth in our state. The Governor’s plan includes $9.09 million in funding for Eagle One Mega Site in Forrest and Lamar Counties to clear the site and build an all-weather road. Eagle One spans more than 2,200 acres and is a strategic asset for Hattiesburg’s growth potential. I appreciate the Governor and the Mississippi Development Authority for making these investments in our community to help attract businesses to the Pine Belt region!

Let Me Hear from You

Have thoughts or concerns about the legislative process? I can always be reached at

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